80 results for "App"
Can I control my Rachio controller from anywhere?
Ever wondered if you would be able to control your Rachio controller from anywhere, even if you are not connected to the same WiFi as the Rachio? This article i...
Generation 1 Quick Start Guide
SummaryAlready have your Generation 1? The video and step-by-step guides below will have you up and running in no time! Be ready to install your controller and ...
Why doesn't the weather data match on my Rachio?
SummaryWondering why the weather data doesn't match on your Rachio app? Try selecting a Preferred Weather Station close to you! For the most accu...
White screen on Rachio app
SummaryHave you ever run into a white screen when trying to open the Rachio app on your phone? Don't worry, we can fix that with a few taps of your fingers ...
What soil types are in the Rachio App?
SummaryNow that you have your Rachio set, you may need to set the zones' attributes on the app. You may wonder what soil type is available on the app and wh...
How do I control two or more Rachio controllers?
SummaryThis article will help you answer the question: ''How do I control two or more Rachio controllers?'' or, ''Can the controllers be...
What do I need to know to set up my zones?
SummaryNow that your controller is under your account and ready to go, you may wonder what you need to know to set up your zones. Some attributes may look confu...
How Do I Enable Location Services on my Phone?
Location-based features not working quite right?Never fear, you can fix this! Some of the Rachio mobile app features, such as our Device Lookup feature's &q...
Stringify + Rachio
SummaryThis article shows how to connect Stringify to Rachio and have its features aligned with our system.How does Stringify work with Rachio?You can connect t...
Rachio's sensor ports' limitations
Now that you have your Rachio controller ready to install, you might want to know the usage of multiple sensors on your Rachio Controller's wiring bay. Look...
How do I update my Rachio app?
How to update to the latest version of the Rachio appIf you think you may be running an outdated version of the app, this article will guide you through the ste...
How do I use Control4 with my Rachio?
Control4 & RachioWant to use Control4 with your Rachio? Download the Rachio Driver for Control4 from BlackWire Designs & Technology. Need help?If y...
How do I use Nexia with my Rachio?
We are now integrated with Nexia!
Add the Rachio control to your Nexia account to have an efficient, single-app experience to control all of your smart product...
How do I use SmartThings with my Rachio?
SummarySmartThings is Samsung's answer to the Smart Home, much like Google, Amazon, and Apple.SmartThings setup allows you to control and automate the Rachi...
How do I use Weather Underground / Wunderground with my Rachio?
Want to use your Personal Weather Station with your Rachio 3? If you would like to use your Personal Weather Station (PWS) with Rachio 3, you’re in l...
How to access Shared Devices on the Web App
SummaryThis article has step-by-step instructions on how you can access a shared device on the web app. 1) To access shared controllers (using Complete Acc...
Is the controller SWAT tested?
What is SWAT?Smart Water Application Technologies, or SWAT, is a national partnership initiative of water purveyors and irrigation industry representatives crea...
Issue migrating your account info?
Did you receive a message that there was an issue migrating your account info? We apologize for the inconvenience and are here to help!If at first you don&...
How do I use Wink with my Rachio?
Connecting your Rachio controller to Wink is easy! Please watch this video.
Please note, Wink is currently updating their Rachio integration. If you encounter ...
Alarm.com - Overview & Basic Troubleshooting
Want to connect your Rachio to Alarm.com? This article shares some instructions on how to get your controller connected to Alarm.com in a few simple steps.Alarm...
Cómo conectar un Rachio a un hotspot móvil
ResumenSi no dispone de una configuración WiFi cerca del programador pero necesita que este esté conectado a Internet para realizar una programaci...
Guía de inicio rápido de la aplicación Rachio - Pestaña de Inicio (Home)
Ahora que tiene su controlador Rachio en línea, que ha creado su cuenta y que acaba de configurar sus zonas, se preguntará dónde puede enco...
¿Cómo puedo activar los servicios de localización en mi teléfono?
¿Las funciones de localización no funcionan del todo bien?No tema, ¡puede solucionarlo! Algunas de las funciones de la aplicación m&o...
Manage Notifications
SummaryLooking to modify your notification settings? This article will help you get the most out of the Rachio app's email and push notifications. How ...
What is Weather Intelligence™ Plus?
What is Weather Intelligence™ Plus?Weather Intelligence™ Plus is a software feature available to all Rachio smart watering devices. It provides your...
How do I select my preferred Weather Station?
SummaryThis article explains how to select your preferred Weather Station to get more accurate data for your controller.NoteYou do not necessarily need to selec...
Is the Rachio Controller compatible with an indexing valve?
How an Indexing Valve worksIndexing valves are activated by sufficient water pressure being turned on and off. Therefore, no electrical wiring is required to th...
How to Connect a Rachio to a Mobile Hotspot
SummaryIf you don't have a WiFi setup nearby the controller but you need the controller to be connected to the internet in order to perform a schedule or ap...
Delay Between Zones - How to include a well in your irrigation setup
SummaryYour Rachio controller needs to be wired to a well or Pump start relay? We can dig it, here are some tips to get it all configured correctly to have a de...
Discrepancies in Weather Forecasting
SummaryYou may observe different values when comparing Rachio's Forecast from the Events Page Cards and the Calendar to WUnderground and other weather servi...
Saturation Skip FAQ
SummaryYou noticed that your schedule was skipped due to a saturation skip and might wonder why. At your history tab, you can see that a saturation skip was app...
Yard Map for Rachio 3 controllers
SummaryYard Map allows you to draw your zone boundaries and customize sprinkler heads to create a unique picture of your landscape and improve water usage ...
Where can I find details about my zone(s)?
SummaryLooking for zones, zone setup, and zone editing? All information on zones is available in the "Zones" tab. Looking to learn more about your zon...
What's my level of sun exposure, or how much shade do I have?
SummaryWondering how the exposure can affect the watering duration for your schedules? Each zone may have a singular exposure to the sun in your yard. Sha...
What type of slope do I have?
SummaryNow that you have your Rachio set, you may need to set the zones' attributes on the app. You may wonder what is stope type and how it is used, right?...
What Weather Station Are You Using For My Property?
Summary Rachio controllers use Weather Intelligence features to help you save water. Are you receiving weather data from a preferred weather station? Is it...
Change brightness on Rachio 3 light bar
SummaryIs the light on your Rachio 3 Smart Sprinkler Controller too bright or too dim? You can now adjust the light bar's brightness to your liking! Please ...
How can I manually update my controller's firmware?
SummaryIs your controller firmware out of date and you don't know how to update it? Easy fix! Here are a few steps on how to update your controller's fi...
What's new with the Rachio app?
Summary We have a new interface now! With Version 4.14.0 of the Rachio app, we've laid the groundwork for some changes that will ultimately make your w...
How do I find multiple controllers? (Device Lookup)
SummaryDo you have multiple controllers on your account? Luckily, it's incredibly easy to switch back and forth between controllers to view watering schedul...
How do I turn on one zone?
SummaryIf you are wondering how you can turn on one zone, this article will help you. You can use the Quick Run feature to run a single zone on demand! Follow t...
Rachio App Quick Start Guide
Welcome to Rachio!This guide will show you how to navigate the Rachio app (iOS and Android) and use all of the great water-saving features. If you're ...
How do I set up my zones?
SummaryAfter completing the registration of your controller through the Rachio app, set up your zones for the most precise watering! The information you provide...
How do I know what schedules are running and when?
SummaryWant to know what schedules are running and when? In this article, you find step-by-step on how to identify your schedules.Step-by-stepFrom the Events sc...
Guía de inicio rápido de la aplicación Rachio - Pestaña de Zones (Zonas) y Schedules (Horarios)
Zones (Zonas) Esta seccion alberga la configuración que se tiene con respecto a las zonas del controlador Rachio. ¿Activar o desactivar ...
How do I change the email address on my Rachio account?
SummaryDid you switch email addresses? Want to update the email on your Rachio account? You can quickly change the email address associated with your account fr...
Calendar View & Day View
SummaryCalendar View and Day View are two ways to glimpse your scheduled waterings and the details of each watering. Calendar View lets you view sch...
What type of spray head or nozzle do I have?
SummaryNow that you have your Rachio set, you may need to set the zones' attributes on the app. You may wonder what type of spray head or nozzle you have in...
Can I add pictures of my zones?
SummaryLooking for zones, zone setup, and zone editing? All information on zones is now available in the "Zones" tab. This article will help you add p...
Water Delay and Manual Skip
SummaryWhat if you want to cancel the upcoming water, or maybe push it to the next day? Ever wanted to delay the watering for days? Good news! Rachio lets you s...
Rachio App Quick Start Guide - Events Tab
Now that you have your Rachio controller online, your account is created and you just set up your zones, you may wonder where you can find an overview for your ...
How do I connect my Google Home to Rachio?
Google Home Integration Want to get your Rachio devices integrated with Google Home? This article can help you with that.Getting StartedBefore you start, m...
Advanced Zone Settings - Sprinkler Controllers
SummaryThis article explains how to edit Advanced Zone settings and explains each setting in detail. Advanced Zone Settings are primarily used for Rachio's ...
Settings and Calibration - Wired and Wireless Flow Meters
Summary Adding a flow meter to your Rachio controller gives you the hardware you need to enable automated leak detection on your home irrigation system. Af...
Smart Cycle, Manual Cycle and Soak Features
SummaryRachio devices are capable of splitting total watering times into smaller segments to give the soil enough time to absorb the water. This helps you save ...
How do I manually water one or more zones? Quick Run overview
SummaryRachio can do a lot of the thinking for you when it comes to your watering, but sometimes you may need to take your watering into your own hands! Are you...
Fixed Schedules
SummarySimply put, Fixed Schedules allow you to select which days you wish to water. More specifically, a Fixed Schedule will be permitted to run on only the da...
How can I control my Rachio from my computer?
SummaryAre you wondering if you can control your Rachio device also from your computer? The answer is yes! You can easily access our web portal at app.rach.io.L...
What type of soil do I have?
SummaryNow that you have your Rachio set, you may need to set the zones' attributes on the app. You may wonder what is soil and why it's important. This...
Create a Fixed Schedule
SummaryOnce you have configured all of your zones, you will be asked if you would like to create a watering schedule. This article explains how to set up a Fixe...
How do I create a watering schedule?
SummaryIf you are unsure about which steps to take to create a watering schedule, this article has detailed instructions that will help you.Need to duplicate a ...
Water Usage and Water Savings
SummaryWould you like to check your water usage? Rachio helps you track the amount of water your sprinklers apply so that you can gain insight into your savings...
History Feed
SummaryAre you wondering where the History tab is in the app? If you are looking for your History feed and past watering events, these have been relocated to th...
Rachio Mobile App on Android | Changelog
What's the Rachio app? How to download the Rachio app? The good news is this article covers the versions available for our app.Current Version: 4.0 Rel...
How to stop Water Hammer?
SummaryRachio's "Minimize Water Hammer" setting allows your controller to help with regulating the pressure surge that can be caused when a zone i...
How do I update my controller's location or zip code?
SummaryDo you need to update your controller's location after a recent move? You can easily edit information related to your controller's location (such...
How do I use Alarm.com with my Rachio?
Alarm.com IntegrationMore than a smart app, Alarm.com seamlessly connects the key devices in your home on one platform, allowing them to work together and smart...
Rachio App Quick Start Guide - Zones and Schedules Tabs
Zones and Schedules This section houses the Rachio Controller's new tabs that are now divided into Zones and Schedules. Zones TabAllows you to Set...
Rachio App Quick Start Guide - Settings Wheel
Now that you have your Rachio controller online, your account is created and you just set up your zones, you may wonder where you can find the general controlle...
How to Use Rachio's Web App
SummaryHi there! I’m sure you’re excited about getting started. This article will explain how to manage your brand new Rachio from our web app inter...
Estado del controlador y Modo de Hibernacion (Hibernation, anteriormente conocido como Modo de Espera - Standby)
ResumenEste artículo le ayudará a entender cuáles son los estados disponibles para su controlador Rachio y le guiará en los pasos pa...
Where can I download the app?
Getting started with Rachio? No sweat.Our app is available at no cost for Android and iOS. View the options below to download the latest version. Requireme...
Not seeing your device?
Can't find your Rachio device when you open the app? Don't worry, it doesn’t necessarily mean your device has been removed or deleted from your ac...
Flow Meter Notifications & Leak Detection
SummaryDo you have a Flow Meter and want to learn more about the notifications within your Rachio app? Read here to learn more! What are Flow Notifications...
What type of vegetation do I have?
SummaryNow that you have your Rachio set, you may need to set the zones' attributes on the app. You may wonder what is vegetation type or zone type and how ...
Weather Skip FAQ
SummaryThis article explains how Rachio's Weather Intelligence™ Plus weather skip features work (Rain Skip, Freeze Skip, Wind Skip, Saturation Skip). ...
Rachio App Event Tab
What is the Event Tab? The Event screen provides a snapshot view of the following information: Controller name. See your current controller, or tap t...
How do I use IFTTT with my Rachio?
IFTTT + Rachio Rachio integrates with IFTTT, meaning you can create "Applets" to have even more control over your watering! An Applet consis...
Have you ever run into any words on the Rachio app that you don't know the meaning of? This article will list some really useful terms that you might don...
Zone fault detection
SummaryA "Zone Fault" notification detects electrical faults, which are typically caused by wiring issues. The zone fault may look like a small red fl...