How do I use with my Rachio?

Last Update:Oct 22 2024 3:53pm • Est. Read Time:Est. Read Time: 2 MIN Integration

More than a smart app, seamlessly connects the key devices in your home on one platform, allowing them to work together and smarter. Integrate Rachio into your connected home! Manage your Rachio controller from your app.

Getting Started

Note: Only the user who is the main account holder of the Rachio can set up this integration. Any other users who have shared access for the integrated Rachio will not be able to connect the integration.

1) Add the Irrigation Service Plan to your account via your dealer

2) Log in to the mobile app

3) On the home page of the app, scroll to the Irrigation card and tap “Connect to account"

4) Enter your Rachio app credentials and select “Allow Access”

5) Wait for the controller to load. The Irrigation card will refresh after authorization is complete.

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Irrigation Control

Irrigation Card

The Irrigation Card displays the current status of your Rachio controller, whether it is currently in use or when it was last in use. It also displays if the controller is in Rain Delay or Hibernation (formerly Standby) Mode.

Note: "Last Watered" displays the last zone watered, regardless of whether it was watered through a schedule or manually.

Irrigation Features

  1. Set Rachio to Hibernation (formerly Standby) Mode or Rain Delay
  2. Start watering an individual zone, all zones or run a schedule
  3. View the last time each zone was watered 

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Tips & Troubleshooting

Use the app

You must use the mobile app to view Irrigation details. Irrigation is not yet available on the Customer Website.

Tips for Use

  • You cannot interact with a zone or schedule while watering. Select "Stop Watering" before making changes.
  • To water zones that are not in a schedule, select “Water All Zones” and deselect zones as desired.
  • Schedule names are visible in the app, but the zones and durations are only available in the Rachio app. Use the Rachio app to give each schedule a descriptive name for easy reference from the app.
  • To change zone names, use the Devices page on the  Customer Website.

Delete a Device from

To remove a Rachio controller from an account, your Dealer must do the following: Login to Dealer's website > Find the customer’s account and navigate to Equipment > emPower Devices > Rachio > Log out of Rachio Account

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