Can I add pictures of my zones?

Last Update:Oct 21 2023 4:32pm • Est. Read Time:Est. Read Time: 2 MIN


Looking for zones, zone setup, and zone editing? All information on zones is now available in the "Zones" tab. This article will help you add pictures to your zones, step by step. 

Adding pictures of your zones! 

Creating a schedule can be fun, but what happens if you forget which zones are which? It's best practice to name your zones something that is meaningful and memorable, but the Rachio app also allows you to use pictures! This way, there's no need to remember. Simply open up your "Irrigation" tab and view them using the picture you took using your phone, or import one from your phone's gallery.

Before we get started!

When uploading images to the zones tab, make sure the image is compatible with size/format requirements. 

The image needs to be a compatible format like .jpeg, .jpg, .png. Any incompatible images will need to be converted. This is usually the case for Apple products that tend to use .HEIC formatting. 

The image size can also not exceed 434px X 640px or 8 MB. Images that exceed this size can be cropped or compressed. 

Follow these simple steps:

1) Login to your Rachio app

Click on the "Zones" tab in the Navigation bar

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2) Select a zone

You'll be brought to the Zones Detail screen. Click "Edit" to view a list of zone attributes you can edit. Notice that in this list, there is an option to select "Photo."

The bottom right icon on the photo allows you to snap a picture in real-time of the zone you wish to photograph, or pull a picture you have already taken from your phone's memory and add it right then and there.

If you like what you see, tap on "Use photo" (iOS) or "Crop" (Android) to accept. 

You will then see your new Zone image! Click "Done" to exit.

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3) View your final product

Now you're all set! 

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