What Weather Station Are You Using For My Property?

Last Update:Oct 19 2023 8:11pm • Est. Read Time:Est. Read Time: 3 MIN


Rachio controllers use Weather Intelligence features to help you save water. Are you receiving weather data from a preferred weather station? Is it coming from the Weather Network? Wondering how to select a personal weather station? This article might be helpful!

You can select what weather station we will pull our weather data from. From the Account icon (top right) > Homes > select the Home where the controller is located > Weather Source > then select Weather Station. there you will see the option to click on your weather station and change the selection. 

Weather Intelligence Plus

If you have a Rachio device, you have access to Weather Intelligence Plus. This means you have access to the most accurate weather scheduling available, as we combine data from national weather stations, more than 270,000 personal weather stations, satellite data, radar data, and more to provide hyperlocal forecasting that’s accurate to the location of your controller.

If you prefer, Weather Intelligence Plus also allows you to use data from a single Weather Station. There are two main pieces of info related to PWS that you should be aware of if you select this option: Station ID & Distance. Read on to learn more.

  • Station ID

    The Station ID, is a unique identifier or name given to all weather stations. The Rachio app, it's going to indicate what station we are pulling data from. You will notice that we leave this option toggled off for Personal Weather Stations by default, and will therefore pull data from the closest national weather provider (Station IDs beginning with the letter 'K'). When this option is toggled on, we will gather data from both the nearest National Weather Station and the nearest Personal Weather Stations.

    To locate the weather data for a specific weather station, simply navigate to "Change Weather Station" in your Rachio app, and select "More Info" beneath the station you wish to view. You can also Google search using the following templates:

    To locate the weather data for your Rachio, simply Google searches the following:

     National Weather Stations (NWS) 

    Example: https://w1.weather.gov/data/obhistory/KECP.html (notice the station ID is all capitals)

     Personal Weather Stations that start with PWS_

    Example:  http://www.pwsweather.com/obs/IROZEUS.html (be sure to remove the 'PWS_')

  • Distance
    This is going to indicate how far the weather station we are using is from your property--specifically your latitude and longitude. You will notice that this distance will change based on whether the data is being pulled from an official National Weather Station (NWS), or a Personal Weather Station (PWS).