Rachio App Quick Start Guide

Last Update:Oct 19 2023 10:47pm • Est. Read Time:Est. Read Time: 2 MIN

Welcome to Rachio!

This guide will show you how to navigate the Rachio app (iOS and Android) and use all of the great water-saving features.  If you're looking for help installing and setting up your controller check out the Rachio 3 Quick Start Guide.

How To:

Getting up and running with the Rachio app is very easy:

  1. Download the app from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store
  1. Create a Rachio account.

Creating an account is required to utilize the Rachio app; but don't worry, it's free! Open the Rachio App and select "DON'T HAVE AN ACCOUNT?" on the sign-in page.

  1. Create a new Home.

You can skip this step if a device has been shared with you. Rachio devices are organized together into Homes – the real spaces you connect in. You’ll be prompted to create a new home: simply enter your address, refine the location if needed, and pick a name.

If you have Rachio devices at multiple properties, you can filter through your Homes from this drop-down menu.

  1. Add a device to your Home.

The “+” button on your Home screen is your go-to place to add devices and features. What would you like to add? Select from irrigation hardware, weather stations, and software features here. This is also where you would create a new home.

  1. Manage your Controller with the app.

To Manage your Rachio Controller, select the controller to access its settings, programming, and remote operation features.

Back Arrow 

Allows you to return to the previous screen. 

This is featured on several screens of the app in the upper left-hand corner.

Controller Main Menu

Located at the bottom of the screen, allows you to navigate through the main sections of the App. 
Click on the icons below for a detailed guide for each section:

  1. Manage your Smart Hose Timer with the app.

To Manage your Smart Hose Timer, select the valve to access its settings, programming, and remote operation features.

  1. Manage your Account Settings.

Select the icon in the upper right corner of the Home screen to view your account settings.

Do you still need help?

We have a chat support team ready to assist you! You can submit a support request by selecting the chat icon in the bottom right of this page and a member of the support team will contact you live.

Summer Hours (April-September)

7am-5pm (MST), 7 days a week.

Winter Hours (October-March)

8am-5pm (MST), Monday - Saturday. We are closed on Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years Day.