Light Codes (Rachio 3)

Last Update:Oct 22 2024 3:47pm • Est. Read Time:Est. Read Time: 5 MIN


Controller offline? Having issues with Wi-Fi on your controller? Our new in-app help tool makes Wi-Fi troubleshooting a breeze! Tap the red "Offline" banner at the top of the Home screen for automatic troubleshooting help. Follow the prompts in the app to identify what's wrong and how to quickly fix it.

What are light codes?

The Rachio 3 Smart Sprinkler Controller displays over 20 LED light codes that show the status of your controller. These light codes offer visual clues on what's happening with your controller at any given time.


Controller not working as expected? Light codes are a great first place to look, and can save you time in figuring out any issues! 

How are light codes used?

The light codes in Rachio 3 are very useful in a variety of situations and can help you know or recognize:

  • When a particular zone is running, paused, or delayed
  • Where your controller is at within the Wi-Fi setup process (booting up, connecting to Wi-Fi, connecting to Rachio servers, or activating controller)
  • Whether any errors are occurring or troubleshooting steps are needed
  • And more!


Light bar too bright on your Rachio 3 controller? You can adjust the brightness!

Rachio 3 light code quadrants

What do light codes mean?

Use the tables below to identify the light code you are seeing, as well as any follow-up or troubleshooting steps needed.

Light codes can tell you a lot about the state of your controller, including:

  • Troubleshooting needs
  • Controller status
  • Current watering 

What do light codes look like? 

Find your controller's light code below to find out what it means, whether an action is required, and what to do if troubleshooting is needed.

Wi-Fi and Wi-Fi Troubleshooting light codes

Light Code Display

What It Means

What To Do

First light section blinking white

Booting Up - When the controller is booting up after restarting or power cycling, the first light section will blink white.

Status indicator (no action required)

First light section solid, with second light section blinking yellow (first installation)

Awaiting Wi-Fi - When the controller is ready to connect to Wi-Fi, the first light section will be solid with the second light section blinking yellow/amber.

Follow the instructions at: Rachio 3 Light Section 2 Flashing 

First light section solid, with second light section blinking yellow (after powercycle)

Reconnecting to Wi-Fi - If you're reconnecting to Wi-Fi, when the controller has restarted and is reconnecting with the pre-entered Wi-Fi credentials, the first light section will be solid and the second light section will be blinking yellow/amber.

Status indicator (no action required), if this takes too long: Rachio 3 Light Section 2 Flashing  

First light section blinking white, with one light red

Boot Error One - If the first light section is blinking white with one red, this indicates a boot failure. 

Unplug the controller, press down on the white button (the directional pad with Rachio symbol) to clear any residual charge within the controller. For more in depth instructions: Light 1 Troubleshooting.

First light section is solid red 

Boot Error Two - If the first light section is a solid red bar, contact Rachio Support.

Contact Rachio Support through:

Second light section blinking white, with one red

Awaiting Wi-Fi Error - The second light section will blink white and then one red to indicate an error connecting to the Wi-Fi network

A red light in the second section is likely to be errors when typing in the password / wifi name. Follow the instructions at: Rachio 3 Light Section 2 Flashing

First and second light sections solid light, with third light section blinking 

Connecting to Server - The first and second light section will be solid and the third light section will be blinking. 

Status indicator (no action required) 

Third light section blinks white, with one red light   

Connecting to Server Error - The third light section will blink white with one red to indicate an error connecting to server 

Troubleshoot Wi-Fi connection. You can get more information through the following link: Light Section 3 Troubleshooting

Light bar solid for first 3 light sections, with fourth light section blinking

Controller Registering - The first, second, and third light sections will be solid and the fourth light section will be blinking until a full connection has been established.

Contact Rachio Support Team through: so they can add manually the controller to the account.


Controller status light codes 

Light Code Display

What It Means

What To Do

Light bar flashing blue 

Success - Any time the Rachio 3 accepts a command successfully, the entire light bar will flash blue.

Status indicator (no action required)

Light bar alternating between a soft blue light to light blue light ("breathing")

Idle - Controller is in idle state

Status indicator (no action required)

Light bar shrinks from full bar of white light to middle bar of white light

Shutting Down - When the controller is shutting down, the light bar will start out fully illuminated with a white light. The light will then shrink down to the middle of the bar. It will continue to provide this code until the controller reboots.

Status indicator (no action required)

Light bar fills from left to right with white light, then flashes blue 

Wi-Fi Update - When holding down the Wi-Fi button, the entire bar will fill up from left to right with a white light. It will then flash blue to indicate that the controller is now moving to Wi-Fi update mode, then run the shutdown sequence light code

Status indicator (no action required) 

You can view more about this here: Rachio 3 Light Section 2 Flashing

Light bar fills up from left to right with yellow light, then flashes blue

Factory Reset - When holding down the stop button, the light bar will fill up from left to right with a yellow light. It will then flash blue, then run the shutdown sequence light code.

Status indicator (no action required) 

How do I factory reset my controller?

Light bar displays one blue light in middle, then splits 

Direct Access - When the controller has been placed in direct access mode, the light bar will have one blue light in the middle that then splits into two lights that move away from each other toward the ends of the light bar.

Direct Access information.

Status indicator (no action required)

Dim blue

Hibernation Enabled - When hibernation (formerly Standby) mode is enabled from the app, the light bar will be a solid dim blue color until the controller is awaken.

Hibernation mode information.

Status indicator (no action required)

Light bar slowly filling up with light, with end of light bar blinking 

Uploading Firmware - When the device is receiving a firmware upload, the light bar will slowly fill up with a white light with the end blinking. This is so the light bar works like a progress indicator for the download.

Status indicator (no action required)

Green light with blinking tip  

Installing Firmware - When the controller is installing firmware, there will be a green progress light with a yellow blinking tip.

Status indicator (no action required)


Zone and watering status light codes

Light Code Display

What It Means

What To Do 

Small blue light moving across light bar 

Zone Selection - When selecting a zone to water from the controller, pressing the forward/back buttons will cause a small blue light to move across the light bar over the zone terminals to indicate which zone is selected.

Status indicator (no action required)

Bright blue light pulsing over a particular zone

Zone Running - When a zone is running (commanded from the app or controller), there will be a bright blue light pulsing over the zone that is running.

Status indicator (no action required)

Blue light bounces from left to right 

Watering Paused - When a run is paused, there will be a blue light that bounces from left to right to left during the entire duration of the pause.

Status indicator (no action required)

"Splashing" pattern of light moving away from center of light bar 

Watering Delay Active - When a watering delay has been set, the light bar will replicate a raindrop by lighting a random area of the light bar, and then "splashing" the light away from the center.

Water Delay Information.

Status indicator (no action required) 

Pulsing red light over a particular zone section

Zone Fault - When the controller detects a zone fault, it will pulse a red light over the faulting zone number.

Inspect zone fault and repair if possible.

Zone fault detection.



Looking for Generation 2 light codes? Click here!

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