8 results for "Schedules"
What are base durations?
Now that you filled in all the information for the zones, you may wonder how the system calculates the right amount of water for your plants. This article shows...
Weather Service FAQ
Common Questions on Rachio's Weather ServiceThis article answers the most common question related to our weather service.All Rachio Smart Sprinkler Controll...
Rain Sensor Notifications
SummaryDoes the system send notifications? Are you able to see a yellow banner that says "Rain Sensor On?" If you have a rain sensor connected to your...
Water Delay and Manual Skip
SummaryWhat if you want to cancel the upcoming water, or maybe push it to the next day? Ever wanted to delay the watering for days? Good news! Rachio lets you s...
Seasonal Shift FAQ
SummaryYou noticed that your schedule had its watering durations adjusted and might wonder why. At your history tab, you can see that a seasonal shift was appli...
History Feed
SummaryAre you wondering where the History tab is in the app? If you are looking for your History feed and past watering events, these have been relocated to th...
Weather Skip FAQ
SummaryThis article explains how Rachio's Weather Intelligence™ Plus weather skip features work (Rain Skip, Freeze Skip, Wind Skip, Saturation Skip). ...
Have you ever run into any words on the Rachio app that you don't know the meaning of? This article will list some really useful terms that you might don...