SAWS Stage 2 Watering Rules Scheduling with Rachio

Last Update:Oct 19 2023 9:29pm • Est. Read Time:Est. Read Time: 2 MIN


With drought rules in effect, San Antonio Water System residents are all advised to temporarily update their Rachio watering schedules to comply with watering rules.  

Why Stage 2 Watering Rules? 

Stage 2 Watering Rules begin when the 10-day rolling average of the Edwards Aquifer level drops to 650 feet mean sea level at the monitored well. Coming out of drought stages can be considered 15 days after the aquifer is above the trigger.

During Stage 2 drought, all residents are asked to reduce water use and eliminate water waste. For a full list of Stage 2 rules, go here

When can I water?

With restricted watering times in effect, outdoor watering is only allowed once a week, from 7-11 a.m. and 7-11 p.m. on your designated watering day, as determined by your address.

Restricted watering schedule instructions

With Stage 2 Watering Rules in effect, all SAWS residents are required to create a new temporary schedule to support water conservation efforts. Using the Rachio app, follow the steps listed below. It’s easy to update your watering schedule in the Rachio app:

  1. Tap the "Schedules" tab. Tap on each of your current schedules and then tap on the blue toggle button to disable them.

  2. Tap on "Create Schedule" to create a new Fixed schedule and put all your turf zones or any zones with spray heads in this schedule. 

  3. Name your schedule “Stage 2 Watering Rules.”

  4. Select “Specific days,” then choose one day to water.

    If your street address ends in 0 or 1, select Monday.
    If 2 or 3, select Tuesday.
    If 4 or 5, select Wednesday.
    If 6 or 7, select Thursday.
    If 8 or 9, select Friday.

    Do not select Saturday or Sunday as your watering day.

  5. To water between 7-11 am, “start at a specific time” and select 7 am.

  6. To water between 7-11 pm, “start at a specific time” and select 7 pm.

  7. If your schedule will run for longer than four hours, split your zones across two different schedules. Start one schedule at 7 am and one schedule at 7 pm.

  8. Watering with drip irrigation or 5-gallon bucket is permitted any day between 7-11 am. and 7-11 pm. 


Drip Zones 

Drip zones do not fall under the same restrictions as other methods of watering and may require special configuration within the Rachio app. Drip zones (also called foundation zones) include any zones with drip lines, emitters, bubblers, or misters. These zones commonly host flowers, shrubs, trees, bushes.   

  • During Stage 2 Watering Rules, watering with drip irrigation or a 5-gallon bucket is permitted any day, but only between 7-11 am and 7-11 pm.

If you have any drip zones or drip lines in your system, make sure they are separated out from turf and other schedules. We recommend doing this by setting up two schedules - one with turf and typical sprinkler heads that run within the watering allowance timeframe (between 7 pm and 11 am), and one schedule with only drip zones that runs between 7-11 am. and 7-11 pm.


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Summer Hours (April-September)

7 am-5 pm (MST), 7 days a week.

Winter Hours (October-March)

8am-5pm (MST), Monday - Saturday. We are closed on Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years Day.