Water District Programs
Learn about the different partnerships with water utilities and how to joinWater District Programs
Harris County MUD 367 Smart Sprinkler Controller Program
For a limited time only, qualified Harris County MUD 367 residents can receive a Rachio 3 Smart Sprinkler Controller (up to a $249 retail value) at a discounted...
Las Virgenes Municipal Water District Program FAQ
LVMWD Smart Sprinkler Controller ProgramFor a limited time only, qualified Las Virgenes residents can receive a Rachio 3 Smart Sprinkler Controller discounted c...
Moulton Niguel Water District Contractor Direct Program FAQ
SummaryDo you have any questions about the Moulton Niguel Water District program? This FAQ article will walk you through the most frequent questions about the M...
Moulton Niguel Water District Direct Program FAQ
MNWD Smart Sprinkler Controller ProgramFor a limited time only, qualified Moulton Niguel Water District customers can receive up to two Rachio 3 Smart Sprinkler...
Liberty FAQ
Liberty Smart Sprinkler Controller ProgramFor a limited time only, qualified Liberty customers can receive a Rachio 3 Smart Sprinkler Controller (up to a $249 r...
RWA Program FAQ
RWA Smart Sprinkler Controller ProgramFor a limited time only, qualified local water utility customers in the Sacramento region can receive a Rachio 3 Smart Spr...
San Antonio Water System Program FAQ
Special offer for approved San Antonio residentsAre you a resident of the city of San Antonio? For a limited time only, eligible residents can apply to receive ...
SoCal WaterSmart Program FAQ
What is the SoCal WaterSmart/Rachio program?
If you have a water account with any of the following water utilities from SoCal WaterSmart, you are eligible for a...
Spanish Fork City Residents - Welcome to the Rachio Family!
Welcome, Spanish Fork!If you are a resident of Spanish Fork City, Utah, you may have received a new Rachio 3 Smart Sprinkler Controller from your water utility....
Woodbury Water Efficiency Program FAQ
SummaryIn an effort to help residents save money by saving water, the city of Woodbury has created the Smart Irrigation Controller Program. Through this program...
Citrus County Program FAQ
Special offer for approved Citrus County residentsAre you a resident of Citrus County? For a limited time only, receive a FREE Rachio 3 Smart Sprinkler Controll...
City of Round Rock Program FAQ
Program ClosedThis limited-time program is currently closed. Want to be updated if the program opens again? Join the waitlist here!Special offer for approved Ci...
American Water Resources Discount FAQ
AWR Smart Sprinkler Controller DiscountFor a limited time only, qualified customers of American Water Resources can receive a Rachio 3 Smart Sprinkler Controlle...
BAWSCA Smart Sprinkler Controller ProgramFor a limited time only, qualified customers of participating water agencies in the Bay Area can receive a Rachio 3 Sma...
CalWEP Smart Sprinkler Controller Program
For a limited time only, qualified residents under agencies that are members of the California Water Efficiency Partnership (CalWEP) can receive a Rachio 3 Smar...
Irvine Ranch Water District Program FAQ
Irvine Ranch Water District Smart Sprinkler Controller ProgramFor a limited time only, qualified Irvine Ranch Water District customers can receive a FREE R...
Carver County Smart Sprinkler Controller Program FAQ
Carver County Smart Sprinkler Controller ProgramFor a limited time only, qualified residents under agencies that are members of the Carver County Partnership ca...
Alliance for Water Efficiency Smart Sprinkler Controller Program
For a limited time only, qualified residents under agencies that are members of the Alliance for Water Efficiency (AWE) can receive a Rachio 3 Smart Sprinkler C...
Full List of Utility Partnership Programs
Rachio is in partnership with a number of local water municipalities that offer eligible customers in specific areas a Rachio Smart Sprinkler Controller for a d...
Am I eligible to receive a rebate for my controller?
Utility RebatesThe Rachio 3 Smart Sprinkler Controller, Generation 2 Smart Sprinkler Controller, and Generation 1 Smart Sprinkler Controller are all EPA WaterSe...