


How do I set up my zones?

SummaryAfter completing the registration of your controller through the Rachio app, set up your zones for the most precise watering! The information you provide...
Last Update: October 19th 2023, 10:13pm

Where can I find details about my zone(s)?

SummaryLooking for zones, zone setup, and zone editing? All information on zones is available in the "Zones" tab. Looking to learn more about your zon...
Last Update: October 19th 2023, 8:04pm

What type of vegetation do I have?

SummaryNow that you have your Rachio set, you may need to set the zones' attributes on the app. You may wonder what is vegetation type or zone type and how ...
Last Update: January 28th 2025, 6:20pm

What do I need to know to set up my zones?

SummaryNow that your controller is under your account and ready to go, you may wonder what you need to know to set up your zones. Some attributes may look confu...
Last Update: February 25th 2022, 1:36pm

What's my level of sun exposure, or how much shade do I have?

SummaryWondering how the exposure can affect the watering duration for your schedules? Each zone may have a singular exposure to the sun in your yard.  Sha...
Last Update: October 19th 2023, 8:05pm

What type of soil do I have?

SummaryNow that you have your Rachio set, you may need to set the zones' attributes on the app. You may wonder what is soil and why it's important. This...
Last Update: August 20th 2024, 7:11pm

What type of slope do I have?

SummaryNow that you have your Rachio set, you may need to set the zones' attributes on the app. You may wonder what is stope type and how it is used, right?...
Last Update: October 19th 2023, 8:05pm

What type of spray head or nozzle do I have?

SummaryNow that you have your Rachio set, you may need to set the zones' attributes on the app. You may wonder what type of spray head or nozzle you have in...
Last Update: October 21st 2023, 4:29pm

How to use a catch cup test to assess Nozzle Inches Per Hour and Efficiency for Zone Advanced Settings

Measure how much you’re actually wateringDo you know how much water your sprinklers are actually applying to your lawn? Your sprinkler heads will have a m...
Last Update: August 30th 2023, 3:33pm

Advanced Zone Settings - Sprinkler Controllers

SummaryThis article explains how to edit Advanced Zone settings and explains each setting in detail. Advanced Zone Settings are primarily used for Rachio's ...
Last Update: April 23rd 2024, 5:50pm

How do I calculate my precipitation rate?

Summary If you are wondering how you can optimize your watering duration for either your Flex Schedule or Fixed Schedule? Or maybe, you are just curious ab...
Last Update: February 18th 2022, 2:21pm

What soil types are in the Rachio App?

SummaryNow that you have your Rachio set, you may need to set the zones' attributes on the app. You may wonder what soil type is available on the app and wh...
Last Update: February 25th 2022, 2:20pm

Can I add pictures of my zones?

SummaryLooking for zones, zone setup, and zone editing? All information on zones is now available in the "Zones" tab. This article will help you add p...
Last Update: October 21st 2023, 4:32pm

Rachio App Quick Start Guide

Welcome to Rachio!This guide will show you how to navigate the Rachio app (iOS and Android) and use all of the great water-saving features.  If you're ...
Last Update: October 19th 2023, 10:47pm

Rachio App Quick Start Guide - Events Tab

Now that you have your Rachio controller online, your account is created and you just set up your zones, you may wonder where you can find an overview for your ...
Last Update: October 26th 2023, 1:00am

Rachio App Quick Start Guide - Zones and Schedules Tabs

Zones and Schedules This section houses the Rachio Controller's new tabs that are now divided into Zones and Schedules. Zones TabAllows you to Set...
Last Update: October 22nd 2024, 3:54pm
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