Scheduling FAQ - All about watering schedules

Last Update:Feb 5 2025 3:26pm • Est. Read Time:Est. Read Time: 6 MIN


Now that you have your Rachio online and working, you may wonder how to create and edit a schedule to help you save water. In this article, we'll walk you through each type of watering schedule and how to edit, delete, and create a schedule without Weather Intelligence.

Schedule types

Smart Sprinkler Controller

Rachio Smart Sprinkler Controller offers 3 types of schedules:

  • Flex Monthly - Adjusts monthly based on historical climate data; watering duration & interval (frequency) change takes place after the first watering in the following month.
  • Flex Daily - Adjusts daily based on soil moisture; watering schedules dynamically update on a zone-by-zone basis.
  • Fixed Schedule - Waters when you want - either on particular days of the week, a set interval, or odd/even days. Ideal for users with strict watering restrictions.

Smart Hose Timer

Rachio Smart Hose Timer offers two scheduling possibilities:

  • By day of the week - The schedule will run on the selected days of the week, for example: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
  • On a daily interval - The schedule will run every selected interval of days, such as every 3 days, or every 4 days. This will disregard which day of the week it is.
  • On an even/odd interval - The schedule will run every even day of the month (such as the 2nd, 4th, 6th, etc.) or odd day of the month (such as the 1st, 3rd, 5th, etc.)

Each schedule can also be configured to run multiple times per day if desired.

Smart Sprinkler Controller

Which schedule is right for me? 

The ideal schedule type for you depends on your situation. Watch the video below to see which schedule may be best for your plants and watering goals. 

Video Overview - Schedule Types 

How to edit a schedule

Want to edit an existing schedule? You can edit your schedule at any time after it's created. In the Rachio app, tap the "Schedules" tab and select the name of the schedule you would like to edit. For more information and instructions on editing your schedules, go here: How do I edit a watering schedule

How to duplicate a schedule

If you'd like to duplicate an existing schedule, simply tap the kebab menu (three vertical dots) next to that respective schedule name and tap Duplicate schedule. Please see our How to Duplicate Schedules article for more information.

Schedules Settings Overview

For more information on schedule settings and how to edit them, go here.

  1. Name (schedule name)
    This is the name your schedule goes by, which you can create during schedule creation. 
  2. Type
    This lists your schedule type (Flex DailyFlex MonthlyFixed
  3. Interval (days schedule can water)
    This tells you what days you will allow the schedule to water (any days, specific days, or even/odd intervals). If you've chosen a Flex type of schedule and you do not have watering restrictions, choose "any days" for optimum water savings! Please note: Once a schedule is created for a Rachio Smart Sprinkler Controller, the Interval Type cannot be changed. If you'd like to change the Interval Type, you will have to create a new schedule with the desired Interval Type.
  4. Zones (zone selection)
    This tells you what zones are active on a given schedule.
  5. Times (times of day your schedule can run)
    This tells you when your schedule will begin or end.

    Why can I not select "end before" on some schedules?

    The option to “end before a specific time” or "end before sunrise" can only be applied to one schedule per controller; this is to prevent multiple schedules from being stacked and eventually moving out of the 24 hour period of your selected watering day. As a result, once this option has been applied to a schedule, the option will not appear when creating additional schedules. To change which schedule makes use of the "end before" option, go to "Schedule" tab > schedule name > "Times" > select when to start your schedule after or end it before

  6. Watering Duration 
    This tells you how long your schedule will water for (in minutes). 
  7. Cycle and Soak/Smart Cycle
    This tells you whether your schedule uses Smart Cycle or manual cycle and soak.
  8. Weather Intelligence
    Details which Weather Intelligence™ Plus features are active on your schedule.

How to delete a schedule 

Need to delete a schedule? If you want to change up your watering and create a new schedule, feel free to delete your existing schedule. But be warned - this action cannot be undone.

In the Rachio app, tap the "Schedules" tab, then select the name of the schedule you would like to remove. Scroll down to "Delete Schedule" at the bottom of the schedule editing page. 

  • Do you need to prevent your schedule from running for a period of time? You can choose to disable a schedule if you do not want to delete it. At the top of the schedule editing page, toggle off "Enabled" so that the option no longer shows blue. When you're ready, you can enable the same schedule! 

How to create a schedule without Weather Intelligence

Have a zone being used as a pool fill or in a part of your landscape that doesn't get a lot of rain or wind? Create a new schedule just for those zones and disable all Weather Intelligence features. 

  1. Create a new schedule
    In the "Schedules" tab, tap on "Create Schedule" at the bottom of the screen. 
  2. Select schedule type
    In order to create a schedule without Weather Intelligence, you'll need to select a Fixed Schedule.
  3. Continue through schedule setup
    Follow the schedule setup to choose the zones you'd like to run without Weather Intelligence, name your schedule, select allowed watering days and times, and decide on Smart Cycle. 
  4. Disable all Weather Intelligence Skips
    Eventually, you'll end up on the "Add Rachio Weather Intelligence" screen. Uncheck all Weather Intelligence options and tap Next. Finish up creating your schedule by approving or editing the duration.

Smart Hose Timer

Which schedule interval type is right for me?

It depends on your situation, how you use the system, and even watering restrictions. By the day of the week will always water on the same, selected days of the week, while On a daily interval will follow the programmed behavior, such as every 3 days, or every 4 days, independently of which day of the week it is. Even/Odd days will water every other day based on the calendar number, which is a constantly used frequency and can suit watering restrictions if necessary.

How to edit a schedule

On your Rachio app, select your Smart Hose Timer on the device selection screen, tap the Schedules tab at the bottom right corner, and go to EDIT.

Schedule Settings Overview

For more information on schedule settings and how to edit them, go here.

1. Enabled/Disabled
This will enable/disable your schedule. Disabling it will not delete it, only prevent it from running. You can re-enable a schedule anytime you like.
2. Name
The name your schedule goes by, which you can create during schedule creation. 
3. Color
Changes the schedule icon's color on the Events and Schedules tab, making it easier to differentiate them.
4. Valves in Schedule
Allows you to change which valves are a part of this schedule.
5. Interval Type
Here, you can edit your schedule's interval type between By day of the Week and On a daily Interval. Please note: The Interval Type can only be changed on the Rachio Smart Hose Timer. If you have a Rachio Smart Sprinkler Controller, you cannot change the Interval Type; you will instead need to create a new schedule with the desired Interval Type.
6. Time of the Day and Duration
Changes the starting time and duration for each run. You can also increase or decrease the number of runs.

How to delete a schedule

In case  you want to delete a schedule, simply go to the Schedules tab and tap the kebab icon (3 dots) for that respective schedule, and then Delete Schedule. Please note that this cannot be undone.

Need to prevent your schedule from running for a specific period of time? Tap Disable Schedule under the kebab icon menu. This will keep the schedule created and ready to be enabled again whenever you want.

How to create a schedule without Rain Skip

Under your Smart Hose Timer menu, tap the + CREATE SCHEDULE button. During the schedule creation, right after selecting interval type, durations, and days, the app will ask you if you want to Skip this schedule when it rains. Simply tap No.

Do you still need help?

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Summer Hours (April-September)

7am-5pm (MST), 7 days a week.

Winter Hours (October-March)

8am-5pm (MST), Monday - Saturday. We are closed on Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's Day.