22 results for "FAQ"
Rachio Wireless Flow Meter FAQ
Are you a flow meter user? Wondering what's going to happen now since you still have your Rachio Wireless Flow Meter although it's no longer manufacture...
Full List of Utility Partnership Programs
Rachio is in partnership with a number of local water municipalities that offer eligible customers in specific areas a Rachio Smart Sprinkler Controller for a d...
SoCal WaterSmart Program FAQ
What is the SoCal WaterSmart/Rachio program?
If you have a water account with any of the following water utilities from SoCal WaterSmart, you are eligible for a...
Irvine Ranch Water District Program FAQ
Irvine Ranch Water District Smart Sprinkler Controller ProgramFor a limited time only, qualified Irvine Ranch Water District customers can receive a FREE R...
Moulton Niguel Water District Direct Program FAQ
MNWD Smart Sprinkler Controller ProgramFor a limited time only, qualified Moulton Niguel Water District customers can receive up to two Rachio 3 Smart Sprinkler...
Fort Collins Program FAQ
What is the Fort Collins program?In partnership with Fort Collins Utilities, this limited-time program encourages homeowners to maximize watering efficiency wit...
San Antonio Water System Program FAQ
Special offer for approved San Antonio residentsAre you a resident of the city of San Antonio? For a limited time only, eligible residents can apply to receive ...
Rachio Generation 2 FAQ
SummaryHave questions regarding the Generation 2 Rachio Smart Sprinkler Controller? Are you a new owner? In this article, you will find some frequently asked qu...
Liberty FAQ
Liberty Smart Sprinkler Controller ProgramFor a limited time only, qualified Liberty customers can receive a Rachio 3 Smart Sprinkler Controller (up to a $249 r...
Woodbury Water Efficiency Program FAQ
SummaryIn an effort to help residents save money by saving water, the city of Woodbury has created the Smart Irrigation Controller Program. Through this program...
Saturation Skip FAQ
SummaryYou noticed that your schedule was skipped due to a saturation skip and might wonder why. At your history tab, you can see that a saturation skip was app...
Soil Sensor FAQ
SummaryRachio controllers are compatible with Soil Sensors. This article explains how these sensors work and the ones compatible with the Rachio controller. So ...
Flex Daily Schedules FAQ
SummaryFlex Daily Schedules determine when to water dynamically on a zone-by-zone basis; intervals will adjust based on weather conditions and soil moisture est...
Weather Service FAQ
Common Questions on Rachio's Weather ServiceThis article answers the most common question related to our weather service.All Rachio Smart Sprinkler Controll...
Seasonal Shift FAQ
SummaryYou noticed that your schedule had its watering durations adjusted and might wonder why. At your history tab, you can see that a seasonal shift was appli...
Rain Sensors FAQ
SummaryNeed tips for your Rain Sensor installation? The Rachio system doesn't require this accessory due to its integrated weather intelligence features, ho...
RWA Program FAQ
RWA Smart Sprinkler Controller ProgramFor a limited time only, qualified local water utility customers in the Sacramento region can receive a Rachio 3 Smart Spr...
Freeze Skip FAQ
SummaryIn this article, we will walk you through Rachio's Freeze Skip feature and provide guidance on how to use it. Are you wondering when does Freeze Skip...
Flex Monthly Schedule FAQ
What are Flex Monthly Schedules?Flex Monthly Schedules determine an optimal, predictable monthly schedule using historical ET data to adjust the watering interv...
Weather Skip FAQ
SummaryThis article explains how Rachio's Weather Intelligence™ Plus weather skip features work (Rain Skip, Freeze Skip, Wind Skip, Saturation Skip). ...
Scheduling FAQ - All about watering schedules
SummaryNow that you have your Rachio online and working, you may wonder how to create and edit a schedule to help you save water. In this article, we'll wal...
Rachio 3 Smart Sprinkler Controller and Smart Water System FAQ
SummaryInterested in purchasing a Rachio 3 or simply want to know more about your brand new controller? In this article, you will find frequently asked question...