17 results for "utility"
Citrus County Program FAQ
Special offer for approved Citrus County residentsAre you a resident of Citrus County? For a limited time only, receive a FREE Rachio 3 Smart Sprinkler Controll...
Full List of Utility Partnership Programs
Rachio is in partnership with a number of local water municipalities that offer eligible customers in specific areas a Rachio Smart Sprinkler Controller for a d...
Harris County MUD 367 Smart Sprinkler Controller Program
For a limited time only, qualified Harris County MUD 367 residents can receive a Rachio 3 Smart Sprinkler Controller (up to a $249 retail value) at a discounted...
Spanish Fork City Residents - Welcome to the Rachio Family!
Welcome, Spanish Fork!If you are a resident of Spanish Fork City, Utah, you may have received a new Rachio 3 Smart Sprinkler Controller from your water utility....
SoCal WaterSmart Program FAQ
What is the SoCal WaterSmart/Rachio program?
If you have a water account with any of the following water utilities from SoCal WaterSmart, you are eligible for a...
Carver County Smart Sprinkler Controller Program FAQ
Carver County Smart Sprinkler Controller ProgramFor a limited time only, qualified residents under agencies that are members of the Carver County Partnership ca...
Las Virgenes Municipal Water District Program FAQ
LVMWD Smart Sprinkler Controller ProgramFor a limited time only, qualified Las Virgenes residents can receive a Rachio 3 Smart Sprinkler Controller discounted c...
Moulton Niguel Water District Direct Program FAQ
MNWD Smart Sprinkler Controller ProgramFor a limited time only, qualified Moulton Niguel Water District customers can receive up to two Rachio 3 Smart Sprinkler...
American Water Resources FAQ
AWR Smart Sprinkler Controller ProgramFor a limited time only, qualified customers of American Water Resources or associated water utilities can receive a Rachi...
American Water Resources Discount FAQ
AWR Smart Sprinkler Controller DiscountFor a limited time only, qualified customers of American Water Resources can receive a Rachio 3 Smart Sprinkler Controlle...
Fort Collins Program FAQ
What is the Fort Collins program?In partnership with Fort Collins Utilities, this limited-time program encourages homeowners to maximize watering efficiency wit...
San Antonio Water System Program FAQ
Special offer for approved San Antonio residentsAre you a resident of the city of San Antonio? For a limited time only, eligible residents can apply to receive ...
Alliance for Water Efficiency Smart Sprinkler Controller Program
For a limited time only, qualified residents under agencies that are members of the Alliance for Water Efficiency (AWE) can receive a Rachio 3 Smart Sprinkler C...
City of Round Rock Program FAQ
Program ClosedThis limited-time program is currently closed. Want to be updated if the program opens again? Join the waitlist here!Special offer for approved Ci...
CalWEP Smart Sprinkler Controller Program
For a limited time only, qualified residents under agencies that are members of the California Water Efficiency Partnership (CalWEP) can receive a Rachio 3 Smar...
BAWSCA Smart Sprinkler Controller ProgramFor a limited time only, qualified customers of participating water agencies in the Bay Area can receive a Rachio 3 Sma...
RWA Program FAQ
RWA Smart Sprinkler Controller ProgramFor a limited time only, qualified local water utility customers in the Sacramento region can receive a Rachio 3 Smart Spr...