4 results for "duration"
What are base durations?
Now that you filled in all the information for the zones, you may wonder how the system calculates the right amount of water for your plants. This article shows...
My Watering Times are Too High/Too Low
Scheduled runtimes seem a bit... off? We can help!If you have created a schedule to run your zones in the Rachio app, but aren't quite happy with the wateri...
How do I edit duration and frequency on Flex Daily Schedules?
SummaryWant to make a quick edit to watering durations? Do you think your schedules are watering too much? Flex Daily schedules automatically select durations f...
Advanced Zone Settings - Sprinkler Controllers
SummaryThis article explains how to edit Advanced Zone settings and explains each setting in detail. Advanced Zone Settings are primarily used for Rachio's ...