Generation 1
Generation 1
How do I BlinkUp My Controller? (Generation 1)
Rachio BlinkUp Tips & TricksAre you having issues connecting your Generation 1 controller to your WiFi? This article will help you with some tips and tricks...
Is the Rachio Controller compatible with an indexing valve?
How an Indexing Valve worksIndexing valves are activated by sufficient water pressure being turned on and off. Therefore, no electrical wiring is required to th...
Water Pumps & Pump Relays
Do you have Advanced Wiring? Want to know more about how Rachio works with water pumps? This article will provide an explanation and explore how to wire a maste...
Delay Between Zones - How to include a well in your irrigation setup
SummaryYour Rachio controller needs to be wired to a well or Pump start relay? We can dig it, here are some tips to get it all configured correctly to have a de...
How do I wire one master valve, pump, or common wire to two controllers?
SummaryThis article will help you with instructions on how to wire one master valve, pump, or common wire to two Rachio controllers. CAUTIONInterconnecting...
What is BlinkUp? (Generation 1)
Put simply, BlinkUp is a process to transmit your wireless network's SSID (name) and encryption key (password) to your Rachio controller (Gen1) so that it c...
Rachio manuals and resources
Looking for more information about our products? Here in this article, you're able to check our whole list of products with manual and resources.Current pro...
Rachio App Quick Start Guide
Welcome to Rachio!This guide will show you how to navigate the Rachio app (iOS and Android) and use all of the great water-saving features. If you're ...
Rachio App Quick Start Guide - Events Tab
Now that you have your Rachio controller online, your account is created and you just set up your zones, you may wonder where you can find an overview for your ...
Rachio App Quick Start Guide - Zones and Schedules Tabs
Zones and Schedules This section houses the Rachio Controller's new tabs that are now divided into Zones and Schedules. Zones TabAllows you to Set...
Can I replace my old timer with a Rachio controller?
SummaryAre you wondering if you will be able to replace your old-timer with a Rachio controller? Well, this article is for you. Check below for more information...
Recycling your controller
Rachio Recycles!Now you have your new controller and would like to properly dispose of the old one?At Rachio, we are committed to providing a sustainable future...
How do I convert from Hydropoint?
Video GuideHow do I convert from Hydropoint? – Rachio SupportDo you still need help?We have a chat support team ready to assist you! You can submit a supp...
How do I winterize my sprinklers? Winterization Basics
Summary In this article, we'll walk you through the basics of winterizing your irrigation system and explain why it’s recommended for optimal wat...