4 results for "Blinkup"
What is BlinkUp? (Generation 1)
Put simply, BlinkUp is a process to transmit your wireless network's SSID (name) and encryption key (password) to your Rachio controller (Gen1) so that it c...
BlinkUp tips for Android (Generation 1)
SummarySince every Android device has a different refresh rate, luminance decay rate, etc., some devices drop frame irregularities, which can result in BlinkUp ...
How do I BlinkUp My Controller? (Generation 1)
Rachio BlinkUp Tips & TricksAre you having issues connecting your Generation 1 controller to your WiFi? This article will help you with some tips and tricks...
Updating Your Wi-Fi Network (Generation 1)
SummaryNew to a house with the Rachio Generation 1? Maybe if you change your ISP (Internet Service Provider), router, or update your WiFi name/password, you wil...