Rachio Homes FAQ

Last Update:Jan 20 2025 6:39pm • Est. Read Time:Est. Read Time: 5 MIN


Rachio Homes brings devices together from one yard into one place in the app. With Homes, you can view and coordinate outdoor devices all from one app and finally build a smart yard with Rachio and other trusted brands. Our goal with Homes is to enable our users to organize their devices and make it simple for them to work better, together.

With Rachio Homes, you can:

  • Find all of your Rachio connected devices in one place.
  • Easily update Weather Source and Weather Skip Threshold settings
  • Easily coordinate any devices that interact with each other.
  • Quickly swap between any of your Homes.

Getting Started with Rachio Homes

Video Guide:

The next time you open the Rachio app, you'll see a brief tutorial which will show how to navigate the Homes we've created for you. If you only have one device connected to your account, not much will change for you; You'll have a single Home, and you may not see the tutorial as no further action is needed!

If you have multiple devices, you will see one Home for each device you have. If these devices are at the same location, you will have multiple Homes with the same name, and you'll need to consolidate the devices under a single Home and delete any duplicate homes.

Did you click through the tutorial too fast? No problem! Check out the quick video below to see it again:

Rachio Homes FAQ's

Why did Rachio create Homes?

Rachio is excited to bring its customers new devices that connect outside through new hardware and through integrations like our WeatherFlow Tempest integration. As we grow our customer offerings, we’re adjusting our user experience to make it easy to find and use the different devices customers connect to Rachio. Rachio Homes brings devices together from one yard into one place in the app. 

How do I add a Home?

Homes can be added from the new Homes screen (the old Devices screen) using the Fab at the bottom right hand corner of the screen.

Do Homes change how I share my devices?

Not yet. Only Rachio Smart Irrigation Controllers can be shared for now and only through the existing path to sharing, in the More menu.

Can people I share my devices with see my Home? Can they edit my Home?

Yes, they can see your Home. No, they cannot edit your Home. Another user that has shared access to a device will see Home information for a Home they do not own. They will see the name and location of the Home. They will not be able to edit anything.

Can I transfer ownership of my Home? 

Yes. Users can transfer ownership of a Home to another Rachio user. Transferring ownership of a home to another user will also transfer ownership of all devices at the Home, outside of integrations. 

Can I transfer ownership of integrations? 

No. For now, integrations cannot have their ownership transferred. If an integration is part of a Home that is transferred to another user, it will stay with the user transferring the Home and will have a new Home automatically created for the integration. 

For example:

User A has Home 123 w/ Controller 1 and Tempest 1. 

User A transfers Home 123 to User B.

User B gets Home 123 and Controller 1, but not Tempest 1.

User A has a new Home created for their Tempest 1 that could not be transferred.

Can I change the location of my Home?

Yes. Users can edit a Home from their Account. The Home’s location can be edited from there.

Can I change the name of my Home? 

Yes. Users can edit a Home from their Account. The Home’s name can be edited from there.

Can you share a Home?

No. Only devices can be shared with another user. Sharing a device with another user will reveal non-editable Home information to the user receiving shared access to the device.

Can I add devices to a Home I don’t own?

Not in the initial release of Rachio Homes. We expect that, in a future release, adding devices to a Home you don’t own will automatically transfer ownership of those devices to the owner of the Home. 

Can you schedule across devices?

Not at this time.

Can you move devices to different Homes?

Yes. All types of devices can be transferred to different Homes.

Can you move devices to Homes you don’t own?

Not in the initial release of Rachio Homes. We expect that, in a future release, moving devices to a Home you don’t own will automatically transfer ownership of those devices to the owner of the Home.

What happens if you delete a Home?

The Home will be removed from your account. All devices associated with the Home will also be deleted.

Why can't I see my device in the Rachio app under my Home?

Tap the Homes dropdown menu at the top of your screen, and check if you have multiple properties. You may even have duplicate properties! Duplicate properties can be deleted via Account Settings under Homes.

Does Weather work at the Home level, across different devices? 

Yes, as of 2023 your Weather Source will dictate Weather Intelligence events for all devices within that Home/Property. That being said, individual devices within each Home/Property can have their own Weather Thresholds for Skip Events.

What happens if I transfer a controller which currently lives in a Home/Property that has an integration connected to it?

The link between the irrigation controller (where applicable) and integration will be broken.

For example:

User 1 has Home 1 and Home 2.

User 1 has Controller 1 and Tempest 1, linked, at Home 1.

User 1 moves Controller 1 to Home 2.

Controller 1 and Tempest 1 are now no longer linked, as they are in different Homes.

Can I create routines between devices?

Not at this time.

Can I add other things like photos and contacts to my Home?

Not at this time.

Can I add spaces (ex. rooms) to my Home? 

Not at this time.

What happens to users that already have a device when Home gets rolled out?

A new Home will be created for each device.

What happens to users that have more than one device already, when Homes gets rolled out?

A new Home will be created for each device the user has. If the user wants the devices to be in one Home, they will need to move them manually. [See the video in the Getting Started with Rachio Homes section.]

What happens when a user transfers an irrigation controller to another user? 

If User A transfers a controller to User B, User B will have a new Home automatically created for the transferred controller. User B can then move the controller to a Home of their choosing, if they desire, and delete the Home created automatically for them on the device transfer.

Are there some general rules I should consider when thinking about how Homes work?

  • You can't share a Home/Property, but you can transfer ownership of it.
  • You can't own a device associated with a Home/Property you don't own.
  • You can "take ownership" of a device by interacting with it physically (scanning the barcode).
  • You can't see Home/Property information for Homes/Properties that you don't own or don't have at least one shared device associated with.
  • Having at least one device shared with you will expose read-only Home/Property information to you for Home/Property associated with the shared device.
  • Transferring ownership of a Home/Property transfers ownership of all associated devices.
  • You can’t move a device you don’t own.
  • You can’t move a device you own to a Property you do not own.
  • You can’t add a device to a Property you do not own.
  • You can’t transfer ownership of an integration.
  • You can’t share an integration (eg,Tempest).

Do you still need help?

We have a chat support team ready to assist you! You can submit a support request by selecting the chat icon in the bottom right of this page and a member of the support team will contact you live.

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7am-5pm (MST), 7 days a week.

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8am-5pm (MST), Monday - Saturday. We are closed on Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years Day.