How do I share my controller with someone?

Last Update:Oct 19 2023 8:13pm • Est. Read Time:Est. Read Time: 2 MIN

Share Access of your Controller

Rachio allows users the ability to share access of their Rachio controller without disclosing their account credentials (username and password). We offer three types of shared access: Complete Access, Limited Access, and Transfer Ownership. Do you want instructions on how do you share your controller with someone? This article can help you with that.

Complete Access

  • Rachio account required.
  • Full access shared; zones, schedules, settings, etc.
  • Changes can be made & saved by either party.
  • Access does not expire unless manually removed.
  •  Great for trusted family members, property managers, etc. 

Limited Access

  • No Rachio account required; email address needed to send an invite.
  • Remote control access granted to the email address of your choice.
  • You set the expiration date, and access can be removed at any time.
  • Please note that an individual who is given Limited Access to an account can only access the account from the Rachio web app.
  • Emails and in-app updates/push notifications will only be sent to the primary account holder.
  • Great for sprinkler startups, sprinkler blowouts & winterization, or other service calls.

Transfer Ownership

  • Rachio account required.
  • Remote control access granted to the email address of your choice.
  • The controller will be transferred to another account, but you can choose to retain shared access.
  • Great if you recently moved into a home with an existing Rachio controller and want to add the controller to your account, or transfer ownership to a new homeowner.
  • Great if you purchased a used Rachio and want to control it from your account.  

Please click on the links above for details on how to use/setup either type of shared access.

Running Into Trouble?

Shared Access not sharing? Let's fix that! Double-check the things below to make sure everything is getting set up correctly.

1. The email of the person you're trying to share access with is spelled correctly.

2. The person you're trying to share access with has a Rachio account.

3. That is the correct email associated with this person's account.

4. That the Shared Access recipient has refreshed their Rachio app (to refresh, drag your finger down on the screen, or close and then re-open the app). 

5. Still having trouble? Revoke access and then re-share access (the Shared Access version of turning it off and back on again.) Click on the "Settings Wheel" at the top right > Click on Shared Access > Select the user > Click Revoke. Then go through the sharing process again.

Still no luck? Reach out to our team at so we can take a deeper dive into the issue!

Do you still need help?

We have a chat support team ready to assist you! You can submit a support request by selecting the chat icon in the bottom right of this page and a member of the support team will contact you live.

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7 am-5 pm (MST), 7 days a week.

Winter Hours (October-March)

8 am-5 pm (MST), Monday - Saturday. We are closed on Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years Day.