How do I edit duration and frequency on Flex Monthly Schedules?

Last Update:Apr 20 2024 2:42pm • Est. Read Time:Est. Read Time: 2 MIN


Flex Monthly Schedules recommend a predictable monthly schedule using historical ET data to adjust the watering interval and duration on a monthly basis to follow the seasonal change. This creates an increasing watering frequency from winter to summer and a decreasing frequency from summer to winter. Do you think your schedule is watering too frequently? Or maybe not watering enough? This article will help explain how a simple adjustment to your zone settings will affect the automated frequency recommendation.

Editing Flex Monthly Schedules

In this example, we will use a Cool Season Grass zone based in Boise, Idaho. Here are a couple of months with their watering frequencies. 

Notice that March is on a 7-day interval, while  April is on a  4-day interval.                                                                        (Currently, this schedule mode does not allow you to edit/change the recommended interval.)


If you'd like to adjust your zone to water less frequently, or maybe the other direction where you have it set to water more frequently, the only Advanced Zone Setting that we recommend changing is your crop coefficient.

How do I change the crop coefficient?

Crop coefficient is the ratio of evapotranspiration (ET) observed for the crop. ET is the sum of evaporation and plant transpiration from the Earth's land and ocean surface to the atmosphere. So, each crop has an adjustment factor for ET on how quickly water transpires. To adjust, select the zone you wish to edit under the Zones tab, tap "Edit" then select "Advanced".  Now you can adjust the crop coefficient. We recommend you test small (+/-10% increments) and then navigate back to the calendar view to see the actual effect.

Crop Coefficient:

  • Increasing this setting increases the watering frequency
  • Decreasing this setting reduces the watering frequency

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