2-Wire Systems and Rachio
Last Update:Feb 9 2022 5:09pm • Est. Read Time:Est. Read Time: 2 MINIs the Rachio controller compatible with 2-wire systems?
Rachio cannot run 2-wire irrigation systems.
Imagine fifty people who have to get to the same place, each driving their own car. This is how a typical irrigation system works. Each valve is a destination. A signal (the car) goes from the controller to the valve (zone wire) and back (common wire). Each destination has its own terminal on the Rachio.
Now, imagine if they could all take a bus. The bus makes a stop near each one’s home for pick up but takes them all to the same destination. A 2-Wire system uses this method. There is only one path is the signal (bus) needs to take, and each destination is a valve. One extra bit here that is necessary to mention is the bus stop itself. The bus stop is what we call a decoder.
Decoders are electronic devices that are connected to a wire path from an irrigation controller. They operate irrigation valve solenoids by receiving both signal and power from the same wire path. This allows the installation of many irrigation stations (or valves) down the same wire run, rather than requiring a separate power wire for each solenoid.
Decoder systems differ from “conventional” wiring because they allow control of many valves over very long distances, with corresponding savings in wire and labor. However, the installer must invest in the decoder electronics themselves which will be offset by some of the wire savings.
So what does this mean for setting up a 2-wire system with Rachio?
Well, Rachio does not have a way to interface with the decoders which are placed along with the wiring system.
Therefore, a signal sent from the Rachio would not know which bus stop the person (signal) needs to end up.
Most of these decoder systems use a proprietary format that only works with one brand/type of irrigation controller.
Rachio wiring setup:
Rachio cannot run 2-wire irrigation systems because it does not have the decoding system necessary to run the zones correctly.
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